Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Bar Games Success Story

The Sweet Charity event on July 31 at Finnerty's raised over $1100 in support of bone marrow testing! Thanks again to our faithful supporters.

We are also happy to announce our Bar Games winner... the exceptionally loyal Sweet Charity supporters Team Soccer Crazy! Buoyed by Leon's first-place time in the knock-over-the-water-bottle-with-pantyhose-and-a-tennis-ball game, Brent, Leon, Nathan and Tom defeated 7 other teams to win the Best Bar Gamers Ever title. (They no doubt got an additional boost by bringing their own fight songs.)

It was a very close battle as Team Soccer Crazy beat Team Y & Z (Huy, Darley, Liz, Maz) by only two points and Team Flava (Gary, Amanda, Joe, Lex) by four points.

Honorable Mention goes to Team Y & Z for placing first in the indoor-version beer relay, to Team Flava's Gary the Flash Matrix for pinning the nose on that clown better than anyone else, to Keryn, who just got engaged, and to Andi, who is finally getting her feet fixed!

From all of us at Sweet Charity, thank you, congratulations, and we look forward to seeing you next month!